Abdelhamid Beshara – PhD, LEED AP, CEA is Masader | Environmental and Energy Services Founder and Chief Executive Officer, the first leading Resource
Efficiency hashtag Consulting firm in Egypt.
Dr. Beshara plays an important role in developing Egypt’s hashtag environmental and hashtag energyefficiency vision through his delivery of various local and hashtag global initiatives. As a Civil and Environmental hashtag Engineer, Beshara has a track record extending over 20 years’ of work experience in managing civil, environmental engineering and integrated hashtag naturalresources projects with complex environmental & social impacts including hashtag infrastructure, residential, hashtag commercial, and hashtag industrial hashtag projects.
Beshara obtained his Environmental Engineering Ph.D. degree from Imperial College London in 2010 (UNWIN Prize & Imperial Innovators of The Year Award). Besides his role at MASADER, Beshara works as an environmental and social consultant for the World Bank Group, handling the environmental and social management for the bank portfolio in Egypt and an Assistant professor at the Faculty of hashtag Engineering of Alexandria University.
In 2017, he was chosen as one of Egypt’s hashtag UnitedNations Framework Convention on Climate Change (hashtag UNFCCC) Roster of Experts following his responsibility to lead the team behind the National hashtag Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Egypt’s First Biennial Update Report and developing the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (hashtag NAMA) for the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy sectors for Egypt’s Industrial Sector.
His areas of expertise encompass Resource Conservation and Resource Efficiency. For the former, he has proudly led a large number of Environmental and Social hashtag Impact Assessment (ESIAs) and hashtag WasteManagement studies for key projects in Egypt and the Middle East involving international funding agencies such as the WB, AFD, AFDB, EIB, KfW, GIZ and JICA.
CCF 2024 Speakers